We love video reviews & testimonials, and to show our appreciation, we’ll send you a $25 Amazon gift card, or give you 25% off a future class from Agility11.
We seek 15 second videos with your authentic comments on your workshop experience. No need to rehearse a bunch!
Please mention Agility11 and/or Brad Swanson by name in your video.
Please email us the following info along with your video.
Job / role
(Optional) company or type of company, e.g. Financial Services IT
A still image of yourself. The type of image you might use for a LinkedIn profile.
Unsure what to say? Here are a few ideas:
“I completed the [ScrumMaster / Product Owner / Certified Agile Leadership] workshop from Agility11 and it was [how would you describe the experience? What did you like compared to other training?]
“The best things about Agility11 training are…”
“What I loved about the online training experience is…”
“The training really helped me to improve my [specific skill / meeting / practice], or my team’s/organization’s [outcome/practice/process/culture]
“I’ve recommended Agility11 to my colleagues and friends.”
Tips for video and audio:
Position yourself close enough so your head and shoulders fill most of the video frame.
Record in a quiet area without background noise
Orient your camera so you have good lighting on your face, and AVOID light in the background, such as a sunny window.
Smile! Think of something fun before you start speaking.
Options for recording:
If you choose to use your phone to record, please hold it steady!
Zoom or MS Teams. Start a zoom meeting, and record yourself!
Windows Camera app.
Zoom or MS Teams. Start a zoom meeting, and record!
QuickTime player. Select File —> New recording
PhotoBooth app